About this Blog

~Hi, my name is Courtney. I was a full time college student, starting to be a dancer, and used to work with kids part time, living on my own until my illness disabled me.
~I became sick in 2005. I created this blog in the summer of 2006 to record my "headache" diary and to see if anyone finds it interesting.
~12/2006 I lost my job then after, failed a year of college.
~2/2007 Dx Lyme Disease with Bartonella: prescribed 8 months of oral antibiotics. I'm not even sure if I ever had the Lyme Disease.
~11/2007 The doctor took me off medicines while I was still improving but not fully recovered.
~6/2008 Dx Chiari I Malformation by a neurosurgeon in Beverly Hills.
~8/2008 Decompression and Lamenectomy helped 80% of my problems.
~2/2009 Dx Hypermobility by an Orthopedic Surgeon/School Doc: Started PT, dancing, going to school and working.
~6/2009 Started working full time as an Infant-Toddler teacher, which requires lifting. Dancing part time, maybe I'll finish school eventually...lol
~12/2009 Dx Chronic Sinusitis: Stopped dancing due to constant infections.
~2/2010 Sinus Surgery & complication: Severe Epistaxis: Became severely anemic.
~3/2010: Dx Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: by Geneticist
~4/2011: Switched jobs, now work at a Pre-K teacher for 3 and 4 year olds. Less lifting!
~5/2011: Started PT and exercising again

Friday, May 04, 2007

yay for tests!

Positive testing for bartonella heneselae and bartonella quintana antibodies. woopie! actually I've never been so happy! :-)


Anonymous said...

Which lab ran the testing?

Courtney said...

Specialty Laboratories.

Bartonella Henselae & B. Quintana IGG & IGM Abs Serodx

It only says I'm abnormal for IgG for both. for Henselae the ref range is <1:64 and I got 1:256 and for Quintana ref was <1:64 and i got 1:64. But For both IgM's the result says <1:20 and the range is <1:20

Anonymous said...

Now at least people will listen to you, and you have evidence. :)

Anonymous said...

Good "bad" news. Hope treatment goes well. Rifampin with Zithromax or Doxcycline should clear the infections.

Anonymous said...

hahah glad to hear your "bad" news :)

what type of test was it?? PCR? Was this the same Lab tht said you didnt have Lyme disease?? I would definitely now re-run the Lyme test and the Bartonella at a different lab...just more proof, prove the Lyme...bc you can have co-infections and not Lyme in some cases..!

Thats great new for you though---and to think YOU diagnosed yourself :) !

Anonymous said...

Only on this forum can so many people get soooooooo excited about testing positive for a disease.... lol

Congratulations! It would be so nice if Katie had that kind of evidence under her belt. Unfortunately, the 30 or so symptoms that she's been suffering with just weren't enough to convince any of the doctors here in town. Thank God for Dr. Donta and, now, Dr. Tockman....

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