About this Blog

~Hi, my name is Courtney. I was a full time college student, starting to be a dancer, and used to work with kids part time, living on my own until my illness disabled me.
~I became sick in 2005. I created this blog in the summer of 2006 to record my "headache" diary and to see if anyone finds it interesting.
~12/2006 I lost my job then after, failed a year of college.
~2/2007 Dx Lyme Disease with Bartonella: prescribed 8 months of oral antibiotics. I'm not even sure if I ever had the Lyme Disease.
~11/2007 The doctor took me off medicines while I was still improving but not fully recovered.
~6/2008 Dx Chiari I Malformation by a neurosurgeon in Beverly Hills.
~8/2008 Decompression and Lamenectomy helped 80% of my problems.
~2/2009 Dx Hypermobility by an Orthopedic Surgeon/School Doc: Started PT, dancing, going to school and working.
~6/2009 Started working full time as an Infant-Toddler teacher, which requires lifting. Dancing part time, maybe I'll finish school eventually...lol
~12/2009 Dx Chronic Sinusitis: Stopped dancing due to constant infections.
~2/2010 Sinus Surgery & complication: Severe Epistaxis: Became severely anemic.
~3/2010: Dx Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: by Geneticist
~4/2011: Switched jobs, now work at a Pre-K teacher for 3 and 4 year olds. Less lifting!
~5/2011: Started PT and exercising again

Friday, October 06, 2006


so i've been extreemly tired the last few days, waking up wanting to sleep because it actually feels like i didnt sleep at all. i go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 7am according to my alarm clock. i wake up achy and have weird dreams. Last night it was about my wedding and how my mom said it was too loud so we had to stop the wedding and all the kids were tired so they had to sleep. it was weird. so we moved it to this boat house that could only fit 100 people tops, i went downstairs and it was all gross with the owners down there drinking beer and outside was a trash dump. on the way back upstairs the nails were comming out of the floor and we knew that it was going to fall down if there was one person past 100 people on there. kinda weird.
anyways, yesterday i was falling asleep in my dance class of all places. i felt a little nautious at work and almost fainted, but it went away.
Do you ever feel like there is just something wrong? thats how i feel. i really need an MRI with all these neurological things happening, but because i had a clear CT Scan I don't think my doctor will do it. Lame!

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