2 weeks I've been ill. Ok almost 2 weeks. It started off as what I thought was a cold. I would have a hard time sleeping at night. My chest hurts my head hurts. Sneezing etc. I had my neuro apt last thursday and everything checks out normal. (apart from the fact she was seriously concerned I would ever get a brain aneurism due to her little knowledge of EDS).
That night I had a pretty bad migraine from what I thought was being in the sun too long. It took 2 maxalts and a tylonal to let it subside. 3 am I went on a ravenous search for chocolate rice crispie treats and milk. I fell asleep at 5:30.
I had my ENT appointment the next day and he said my sinuses were looking good apart from that I was cleaning it raw... Gave me some atl gel and a round of prednisone.
My BP at the drs was 86/54 or something like that. The temp outside was 99F. I worked from 3:30-8pm. I felt horrible. I went to CVS to check my BP and it was normal.
Couldn't sleep again that night. Called out such from my work on Sat.
Taking the steroids and I'm feeling slightly better. Not sleeping well enough but better.
I'm getting these loud heartbeat feelings in my neck. There's a pain in my chest under my left breast that is radiating up back and out. My hair is falling out somewhat. I'm extremely tired during the day even with 6hrs of sleep and being awake maybe 3hrs. So I'm glad my work is a kind where I can take it easy and still do a decent job and only 2-3hrs in length. Otherwise I'd be more screwed. I'm sure there's other symptoms I'm forgetting but these are the main ones. I hope I feel better soon and I can chalk it up to done weird virus or stress. In the meantime I'm seeing my GP on Friday since I've been having vague symptoms for 4 months now. I found out a few months ago that my grandma and great grandma both have over active thyroids.