thrombotic marker panel: d-dimer test high: A negative D-dimer test result may be helpful in excluding the presence of a blood clot. A positive test, on the other hand, is not, since it can be due to many things other than thrombosis (for example liver disease, trauma, surgery, pregnancy, infection); it, therefore, does not confirm the presence of a clot. In patients who have had a clot in the past, who are known to have a clotting disorder, or in whom the physician has a high suspicion for a thrombosis, the D-dimer test is not reliable and should not be used; in these patients one should go straight to obtaining an imaging study (Doppler ultrasound, venogram, or lung scan). The D-dimer test can return to normal within a few days to a week, but that depends on how elevated the test-level was to begin with and whether there are other reasons for the level to be elevated.
C3A DESARG FRAGMENT high: Elevated C3a concentrations are found in most patients with active SLE; C3a concentrations start to rise 1-2 months before SLE flares (e.g., nephritis, pericarditis and/or cutaneous vasculitis), and are also elevated in pregnant SLE patients.4 C3a is elevated in 33% of patients with non- immune nephropathy (polycystic kidney, hydronephropathy).4 Elevated C3a is also reported in patients with rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Guillian-Barré syndrome, diabetes, neonatal bacterial infection, sepsis, acute respiratory distress syndrome, thermal injury and following different forms of extracorporeal circulation such as hemodialysis and cardiopulmonary bypass.4
PLASMIN ACTIVATOR: Inhibitor (PAI-1): high: Elevated levels of PAI-1 are associated with risk of throbotic stroke, myocardial infarction, venous thrombosis, diabetes and pregnancy.
Epstein Barr Early AG: (R+D) IGG, IFA: Antibody Detected: A tansient elevation in titer is seen in 85% of acute EBV infections. Although low titers may appear at a later date due to asymptomatic viral reactivation. Titers are also elevated in Burkitt's lymphoma and nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
HERPES VIRUS 6 IGG: High: Past Infection
CHLAMYDOPHILA NEUMONIAE C. Pneumoniae IGG high, C Pneumoniae IGA High: Past Infection:
Iron Total: High, Saturation: HighCarbon Dioxide: Low