About this Blog

~Hi, my name is Courtney. I was a full time college student, starting to be a dancer, and used to work with kids part time, living on my own until my illness disabled me.
~I became sick in 2005. I created this blog in the summer of 2006 to record my "headache" diary and to see if anyone finds it interesting.
~12/2006 I lost my job then after, failed a year of college.
~2/2007 Dx Lyme Disease with Bartonella: prescribed 8 months of oral antibiotics. I'm not even sure if I ever had the Lyme Disease.
~11/2007 The doctor took me off medicines while I was still improving but not fully recovered.
~6/2008 Dx Chiari I Malformation by a neurosurgeon in Beverly Hills.
~8/2008 Decompression and Lamenectomy helped 80% of my problems.
~2/2009 Dx Hypermobility by an Orthopedic Surgeon/School Doc: Started PT, dancing, going to school and working.
~6/2009 Started working full time as an Infant-Toddler teacher, which requires lifting. Dancing part time, maybe I'll finish school eventually...lol
~12/2009 Dx Chronic Sinusitis: Stopped dancing due to constant infections.
~2/2010 Sinus Surgery & complication: Severe Epistaxis: Became severely anemic.
~3/2010: Dx Ehlers Danlos Syndrome: by Geneticist
~4/2011: Switched jobs, now work at a Pre-K teacher for 3 and 4 year olds. Less lifting!
~5/2011: Started PT and exercising again

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

more tests

Got some basic blood work done, turns out my Vitamin D levels are down. Anyways, I went in today to see the doctor and she ordered food allergy tests, a stool test for signs of bacteria in my stomach, and a celiac test. Gonna get my blood drawn this weekend.
Got a new RX for nortiptyline and singulair. And another referral to the neurologist, yay!

ALSO: the bedbug issue was a bit crazy, had to get a stupid RX just to relieve the itching. They are gone now, finally! still getting my apartment back in order :/
and I got a wonderful sinus infection in the middle of all that! steroids and antibiotics kicked that.


Xan said...

Hope the tests prove helpful and glad the bedbugs are gone...they sound rather unpleasant. Happy almost weekend!


Pink Doberman said...

Saw you are getting a test for Celiac.. Lots of those tests come back with false negative results. So just be aware and do your research, and get tested to your satisfaction. Best wishes, figuring out that I had Gluten issues has turned much of my life around! Best luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Courtney. I came across your blog after researching Dr. Gonzalez. I was told to see him after feeling ill. My question is , is he a good diagnostician? I've read great reviews about him online but would like direct feed back. With that said, hope your're on the road to continued health. Good luck and best wishes.

buzeemom said...

Hope you're doing good now. It may sound absurd, but I suggest try herbal medicine. It's more cheaper, natural and risk-free compare to processed and cured RX meds.

SportsPlusPlus said...

I was surfing through blogs and stumbled upon your story. From reading your posts, you have gone through such a journey and you are a stronger person for it. Hope all is better.

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kimvoortman said...

hey, just read through your blog. I have some health issues myself and have been put on a million medications since my diagnosis - then I went to a natraupath and they have been amazing - I now only take one medication vs. 6 and many of my "minor" symptoms have been eliminated. Look into it!

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