so its been a few months since my last post. thats probably a good sign. I am doing well, except i had to move and find a new job and my car broke down and my bike was stolen. But now im walking/busing it to work which is pretty much down the street and i dont have to pay gas or insurance or car maintnence and i love where i live and who i live with. anyways, ask far as health stuff goes, i got sick my second week on the job with bronchitis and a bad cold. took the meds and felt better. for the last few days my chest has felt really tight so i went to the doctor and had a breathing treatment. no asthma or pneumonia. and i got an inhaler.
my back and neck pain is on and off and my coworker is always wondering if i can "handle" the job because i sigh alot throughout the day and rest my back as much as possible. she doesnt understand obviously but im being patient. walking helps my back and so does ice and heat, rest etc. as well as being with friends. ive stopped PT again this time cuz i cant get there and I am broke and still owe them 65 dollars. sucks.
not sure what helped tonight, the 2 cheeseburgers, the double shot latte, or the 3 doses of albuteral in a 3 hour period. we shall see. Im considering trying the gluten free diet just to see what happens. But it's still in the air.
1 year ago