About a month ago I visited a Chinese herbal medicine doctor. A week before my visit I attempted a fast of sorts:
Day 1: only juice tea and water
Day 2-4: add veggies and fruits
Day 5: add grains.
Well I made it to day 2 before I had to have some protein! I ate peanut butter.
On day 3 or was 4th of July and I allowed myself a little red meat and rice. The rest of the time I continued my fast.
The dr said no wheat, dairy, sugar, or coffee. I started an herb mix she made for me.
Last weekend I allowed myself some dairy sugar and wheat. My symptoms came back along with a rash on my back. I repeated day 1 of the fast.
Apparently a wheat allergy can explain all of my symptoms from the last 6months. This is according to Wikipedia.
Another article indicated that wheat is the number 1 trigger for migraines when eliminated along with a few other things the migraines disappeared. (this was a study from the 70s!)
Okay no wheat, limited dairy and sugar. And I'm proud to say I've been coffee free for nearly 2months! I feel pretty good too.
11 months ago